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True Pilot Stories is a collection of stories by veteran writer Patricia Lorenz and over 50 commercial, cargo, military, private, experimental, helicopter, hot-air balloon and blimp pilot pilots from all over the country.
Male, female, young, old, these true stories will give you a whole new feel and understanding of the world of aviation. From hilarious stories and pranks they pull on each other and their crews to white-knuckle, hair-raising adventure stories, air travel will suddenly take on a whole new meaning. Fasten your seat belt. You're in for the ride of your life.
Some of the better known story contributors to this book include Captain Ed Owen, author of "This is Your Captain Speaking" and "Chicken Wings" creator Mike Strasser.
About the Author:
Patricia Lorenz is an art-of-living writer and speaker and is the author of six books and over four hundred published articles, essays and stories. She's one of the top contributors to the Chicken Soup for the Soul books with stories in over two dozen of them. She's contributing writer to three dozen anthologies and fifteen Daily Guideposts books; and an award-winning columnist.
Paperback, 262 pages, English
Publisher: Infinity Publishing (September, 2005)
ISBN: 978-0-7414-2795-3
Product Dimensions: 0.5 x 5.5 x 8.5 inches
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